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Purple Black Modern Leadership Workshop YouTube Thumbnail(1).png

Just because you are in a position that allows you to manage or lead others doesn’t mean that people will automatically listen to you! Of course, it would be nice if things were so simple, but effective leadership takes time and effort.

As a leader, the way you influence people will determine how they will treat you, respond to you, and whether they act in favor of you. It’s easy to think that people are naturally influential, but in reality, influence is something that is learned and can be built or increased with practice.

Influence isn’t about charm or charisma, it’s about the willingness to adapt and learn. My goal for this experience is to help you discover ways that you can influence others to stay motivated and also how to reach your full potential both in your professional and personal life.

Join me for my next event and you can learn strategies for communicating effectively in a way that helps you reach your maximum potential while guiding others to do the same.

When a real leader speaks, people listen. Most leaders believe that their intelligence and experience will be enough to carry them through a role as a successful leader, but usually, that’s not the case. Although your intelligence will play a role in influencing those that you lead, it cannot be the only factor that you depend on.

During my Becoming a Person Of Influence experiences, you’ll learn strategies and principles for becoming an influential leader that you’ll be able to immediately implement into your life. You’ll discover how to properly tap into your emotions - as well as the emotions of those you are leading - in order to build the connection you need for everyone to thrive as a unit.

If you’d like to create your own personalized event on this topic please reach out and I will be happy to accommodate you.

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